
About Us

About the Creators

HubEntry was conceptualized and created by likeminded individuals who have many years in the IT consulting and technology industries. The creators set out to create an application that could address all of the back end office functions every business struggles with every day. Using their extensive knowledge of software and application engineering, they created HubEntry to help employers improve organization and efficiency.

Mission Statement

We are committed to elevating our customers to the next level. Using our extensive knowledge of technology, we strive to provide customers with the tools necessary to reach their full potential.


The creators of HubEntry took a close look at the tools available to businesses that needed help with their back office functions. When sifting through the mountains of programs out there, it is almost impossible to find any product that provides a comprehensive suite of tools to help with your everyday tasks. You can find project management tools; you can find timesheet submission tools; and you can find immigration compliance tools… but everything you find has limited functionality… and none combine all of these facets into one application.

Back Office Functions

HubEntry is a patent pending, comprehensive business tool designed to combine all of your back end office functions. There are HubEntry modules that address employee/employer relationship management, such as timesheet tracking, project management, document management, and employee appraisals. There are also HubEntry modules addressing your higher administrative functions, such as work order management, contract management, customer database, and MSA tracking. HubEntry is an extremely robust application that can improve the organization and efficiency of all aspects of your business.

Immigration and H1B Compliance

In addition to a comprehensive suite of back end office tools, HubEntry has a unique Immigration Module. HubEntry creators used their extensive experience in the IT consulting industry to create a module perfect for H1B employers. The creators were unable to find any product on the market that could help organize and streamline their LCA processes, and took matters into their own hands. Using your iCERT credentials, HubEntry will pull down your LCA information and organize it. From there, a unique workflow was created to walk you through all the steps necessary to complete an LCA; from assigning a consultant to creating a Public Access File. We enable employers to stay in complete compliance with the H1B program.

Interconnected Modules

In order to create a unique experience for our customers, many of the HubEntry modules were designed to work together. For instance, our timesheets, projects, and work orders modules work together in order to increase efficiency. By linking your projects and work orders, you increase accuracy of information, and link your team member timesheets to these projects. This saves time and effort while ensuring that your employees are submitting time for the correct projects.

Unparalleled Customization

Finally, a product is only perfect for a business if it can be customized. This is where HubEntry truly begins to shine. HubEntry modules are completely customizable in order to reflect even the smallest details of your business. Whether you need to control employee permissions when accessing HubEntry, or need to add a series of department specific document templates… HubEntry allows you to do it all. And unlike other applications, this customization comes at no extra cost, and you don’t need a technical team to implement it.