Labor Condition Agreements (LCA) and Public Access Files (PAF)
Finally, a Product That Helps Manage Labor Condition Agreements (LCAs)
The USCIS (US Citizenship and Immigration Services) approximates that over 20% of
H1B employers violate immigration regulations in some way. That translates into
1 in 5 H1B employers facing fines ranging from $1,000 to $35,000, criminal charges
and even permanent debarment from the H1B program. Doesn’t it make sense to have
a product that helps you stay compliant? HubEntry provides all the tools necessary
to track your Labor Condition Agreements (LCAs,) ensure wage compliance, correctly
display your Public Access Files (PAFs,) and address all other H1B issues. HubEntry’s
patent pending technology automatically downloads your LCAs and allows you to manage
them in tandem with projects, work orders and employees.