HubEntry work orders were designed to have an extremely efficient workflow. Once your customers have been inputted into HubEntry, you can create your contracts and work orders. The work order includes all the detailed information you need, including client information, recruitment contacts, bill rates, and location information. Once this work order has been saved, it becomes a selectable field when creating projects. Linking your work orders to your projects enables your projects to also be linked with your employee timesheets. Having a workflow that links these modules together will take pressure off of you and your business.
Link with projects Link with timesheets Team member information Bill rate information Expense information Vendor information Client information Customer contact information
There is an unmatched amount of detail within the HubEntry Master Services Agreement (MSA) tracking. HubEntry enables you to input all the necessary information you need into your MSAs; from agreement information to invoicing cycles, and payment terms to signatory information. And as a web based application, HubEntry provides remote access to this information, so you can access your contracts and work orders from anywhere at any time.
Agreement information Tax ID information Invoicing cycle information Invoicing method information Payment term information Signatory information Counter signatory information Attach documents