HubEntry provides customizable timesheets that can be remotely submitted by your employees, and remotely approved by your managers. You can denote required fields, set minimum hour requirements, set timesheet frequency per employee, and set timesheet start dates per employee. Our timesheets give you a tremendous amount of control, as well as all the information you need to track employee hours and manage project/milestone progress.
Hours by project/milestone Multiple projects/milestones per timesheet Denote achievements Identify Issues List dependencies Attach documents
One of the more unique aspects of HubEntry timesheets is that they can be linked to your projects and work orders. As an administrator, you can list the team members who will be working on a work order and project. That, in turn, enables that project to show up as a selectable field in the timesheets of those team members. This way your employees can submit time for the exact projects and work orders you need to track precisely.